I used to care, I used to put in the effort and now I don’t anymore, I used to be special and now I am not, I used to be nice and now I am not, I used to listen to them and now I don’t, they were using me all along, how did I not see this coming? They promised me everything on earth but they did not give me anything, this is my life and these are the things that I did before they let me be me. I was scared of being alone and now I am not, I was scared that they were going to be special to me but it turns out they weren’t, they were using me, why would anyone ever do that? I question reality because it never seems what it is and I never seem to understand that fully.
I feel betrayed, and the way I punch back is by focusing on myself, I have to do it this way because the alternative isn’t good for me or them. I still love my life, I still want to live my life in peace, I am still aware of everything I do, I still have my ways, and those ways never go away they are the reason I am still here, I improve them from time to time and that is about it. I need something to follow and believe in for me to function, I believed in them and they ended up betraying me, do I believe again? Of course, I have to but this time I need to be more careful, just because you have a heartbreak doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fall in love ever again, what kind of life would that be?
I say these things from the heart, take my words with a grain of salt, I speak what I think, these are my thoughts through words, don’t judge me based on them rather judge my action, I beg you, my heart…
By Nu Nazareth.