Art : salvage
By Sakuan.
Money can buy happiness. I stand by that statement and as a matter of fact, I think it is common sense. I don’t know why people struggle with that simple concept, it makes perfect sense to me. See now that doesn’t mean money will get rid of your sadness in life, it doesn’t matter whether you think it will or it won’t, this is just how it is, let us just call it life. Some people get it and some don’t, and maybe the other side is wrong, or maybe I am wrong, who is to say? Money can bring about happiness, in a logical way, yes. There is a disconnect with the understanding of what I am saying and I get it, I get the disconnect but I will try my best to explain it.
Here goes nothing. When I eat my favorite fruit I am happy, when I create a piece of art that I love I am happy, when I ask a girl out that I am attracted to and they say yes I am happy, when I get the job I have always wanted I am happy, when I have sex with someone I love I am happy, when I get a child I am happy, when I get married I am happy. I talked about happy, happy, happy. There is one thing that needs to be seen and understood with everything I just listed, happiness, all those things little or big make me happy, there is one small difference and that is the fact that they are all different types of happiness, eating my favorite food and getting married are two different types of happiness, one is life-changing and the other is something that I only feel in the moment, the two share one thing though and that is my memory of them, now they are a part of my experience, a part of my life, a part of me. With this simple explanation, I think we can conclude that money can and does give you happiness, in most cases financial happiness. Financial happiness meaning, if I need something I can get it, if I am craving an expensive steak I can get it without worrying about money, and with that comes the little happiness I get from eating a good steak. As we all know the little things add up…I wonder if that is why they say “It is the little things in life…”
But it feels so good, how can I stop doing it, when I wake up in the morning all I can think about is what I love doing and I am grateful for that, I can say that I am who I am today because of this or that but I am definitely who I am today because of my choices, some I was conscious about and most I wasn’t. Society is a weird place to exist in, a couple of centuries back it was perfectly fine to own someone else as your property in these United States of America, at the time it wasn’t considered morally wrong by many, it is just what people did, there wasn’t a conscious talk of whether it was right or wrong, by the majority that is, in a way, the majority were not conscious about their choices back then. Today we also do things as a society not because we see them as right or wrong but because it is what we do, of course it is morally wrong to own any electronic device considering where they come from and how they come about, but we own them without a care because it is what people do. Human nature is such an interesting thing, don’t you agree?
When I look at winners and losers in life I see one thing, interpretation of what winning means and what losing is, I know I am and could be a lot more than what I can imagine and I know I have things that I need to do to be a full-blown winner. I don’t like attention in the form of popularity so maybe winning isn’t a thing that I would love, and yet I still need it to survive. I would tell you how confusing this life is and how it can be when compared to how my life was before, before I had anything to my name, before I was proud of anything special in my life, I thought I was fine in that life until I moved on to what I am now, it is only when looking back that you see or realize all that you have been missing, when you are in it you don’t see it at all, that is not fair… you only see a tree growing by looking back to where it was a couple of weeks, months, or years back but you will never see it grow if you look at the tree every morning.
This is where I live, this is the place I call home, and this is where I feel most comfortable, come to my area and see what I have going for me, I have things that have gone bad and I also have things that have turned out perfectly fine, I care about myself more than I care about other people, a bit selfish I know but can you blame me? This is human nature, how can I tell you what is good and what is bad if everything I touch happens to turn into either gold or dirt, if I truly knew then I would always get the desired outcome. I care so much about what people think about me, this is my reality and I would advise anyone out there who wants to challenge me to stop in their tracks before it gets scary for them, this is my land and I will defend it with honor and at all costs. I will do everything in my power to make sure I am properly cared for I will do everything in my power to make sure I never go to sleep with an empty stomach, this is what I am willing to do and I hope you accept me for who I am, I hope you take in my words seriously and I hope that no one tries anything stupid when I am on this journey. As I said I will do anything to protect myself, I hope you hear me perfectly clear because I don’t play and I don’t joke around, ask the last person who tried me where they are right now, all I am asking for is peace and if you give me that then you have no reason to fear for anything my bothers and sisters…
Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]