Who am I? Pt 2.


(Part 1 was on 3/13/21)

Where were we, where were we? Uh yes, we briefly talked about why you write.

So, all these stories you write, in particular, the “A CRUEL BLEAK” series, that’s my favorite one, can you talk a little bit about it?

Sakuan: A Cruel ble…

Sorry for cutting you off, if you don’t mind explaining what the title means first, that would be great.

Sakuan: No need to apologize, well the title “A Cruel Bleak” is influenced by a title of a poem called “In the Bleak Midwinter by Christina Rossetti.”

Wow, I will be sure to check the poem out when I leave here, now about the stories, what are they influenced by?

Sakuan: The main theme of the whole thing is the premise that everybody has a story, when I go to the mall and see hundreds of people shopping, I can’t help but think to myself, “hm each and every single person here has a story, a whole movie can be made from each individual.” When I watch a movie and see the main protagonist walk into a coffee shop and orders coffee, well that server has a story, he goes back to his home after his shift, he or she might be insecure about something, dealing with messed up relatives, he/she might end up being the richest person in the world or they might die next week, see there’s a lot of possibilities and a lot of ideas just come from you looking at someone. So, in short people’s unique stories influenced “A Cruel Bleak.”

That’s way deeper than I imagined, what about “A city in Shambles”, how did that come about?

Sakuan: “A city in shambles” is also an ongoing series of short descriptions of characters who belong in a city that has seen the worst of the worst but are still trying their best to survive. That’s highly influenced by chaos.

Hm… and are there any other series you’re working on as we speak, one that’s not yet published on your website?

Sakuan: Well, of course, I’m a writer, I always write, as a matter of fact, I write every single day, one that I’m working on right now on the side, is the… sorry I can’t talk about it just yet, turns out spoilers is an enemy that everybody despises, sorry about that.

No problemo, on to the next question, how has writing every day helped your life in general.

Sakuan: I’m sharper, and I can articulate myself better than before, which is a great thing, I’m still taciturn socially but I guess that’s a perk that comes with being highly introverted. I guess writing has also helped me be even more empathetic to other human beings because when I come up with my anthologies I know there’s someone out there who’s literally experiencing what I’m writing, it might be fiction but the probability that goes on in real life is quite high since I don’t really focus on fantasy.

I see I see, you touched on fantasy there, do you ever write fantasy, maybe something we’ve never seen before?

Sakuan: At the moment, NO, but I’ve dabbled in fantasy in the past, and… wait actually now that I think about it I’m working on a story that some would consider “fantasy” but it’s not clear cut as that genre.

Is that a secret too, or can you spill some info on that?

Sakuna: haha, nope it’s not gonna happen, a writer never reveals… I don’t know where I was going with that saying but all I know is that it failed horribly. No, when it’s released everybody can read it.


To be continued…

Part 1  3/13/2021



“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”



