

Hello there, ‘tis me again and this week I want to talk about luck. I’m not even going to try and explain what luck is because I do believe that we think we know what luck is, but we really don’t, does it even exist? To be honest with you I thought I knew what it was but after digging around in my brain I came to a conclusion that the concept of luck is complicated because there are a lot of variables when it comes to luck.

Let me explain what I mean by this, ok… a good example, Elon Musk, the myth the legend himself, at the time of me writing this he’s the second richest man in the world with 166 billion dollars. Now think about it, is he lucky? A lot of people will say yes, and some will say no. Okay now when you read his story, you’ll come to find out his work ethic is insane and he himself doesn’t recommend it to anybody else, and the way he sees the world is just incredible, now what do you think, is he still lucky? Yes or no? Now here comes what I think about it, I think there needs to be a word other than luck that describes a situation like his, YES Sakuan just suggested that the English vocabulary needs more words. It’s not fair to say he’s lucky when he works that hard, also it’s not fair for a person in a less fortunate environment to say he wasn’t lucky. See where I’m getting at? No… Yes? Ok I think PayPal enabled Elon to do what he’s doing today, if he was born in a less fortunate country where computers aren’t a thing (yes there are places in the world today where they don’t even know what a computer is) well if he was born there PayPal won’t be a thing, Tesla won’t be a thing, 2nd richest man named Elon won’t be a thing. So, in that regard he was lucky to be born in America, he was lucky to be born in the era where computers were a thing, but that was then. Is he lucky now? Well not really because he used “PayPal” to get what he has now, if he didn’t work hard after PayPal, tesla won’t be a thing if he didn’t work hard after PayPal then 2nd richest man won’t be a thing. Now, do you get my point? Do you understand why this luck thing is way complicated than what people make it to be, think about how many people got some success and relaxed after that just to end up to rags again, well he didn’t, he went up so, I don’t think it’s fair to say he was lucky. I think everybody is lucky, it’s what you do with the luck. How is everybody lucky you might ask? Well scientists say there’s a one in 400 trillion chance of you being born and yet you’re here, you’re lucky, now what are you going to do with that luck. I think that applies in life, it’s what you do with your luck because everybody is lucky to even get a chance to experience this life. This is what we there need to be a new word to explain this luck concept, because the way I see it, we are all lucky, it’s what we do with the luck that matters.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

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Who am I? Pt 2.