Art : WITH ME.

By Sakuan.

Hi I am Delilah and I am lost in my thoughts at the moment, I have to talk about the state of my being as it is right now. Forgive me if I offend, forgive me if I strike a nerve, forgive me for I am not perfect, forgive me for I am HUMAN.


Just like that everything you’ve ever hoped for, all your dreams can escape you quicker than a frog’s tongue grabbing its dinner. Everything you have ever had can slip away from you if you mess around and aren’t as careful as you should be, it all can escape you even if you are careful enough, imagine what would happen if you are sloppy. Nothing is ever permanent, nothing is ever as it seems, this happens to be one of the brutal things I’ve learned so far and maybe this is subject to change but for now it looks like this is the reality. Do dreams ever come true or does our perception of dreams trick us into thinking that’s what we wanted all along when we achieve a goal? I believe in working hard to get what you want in life, and I also believe taking responsibility for your own life is the right thing to do, but what happens when your beliefs or your dreams depend on other people, now that is a tight spot to fit in, what do you do then? Do you force other people to be on your side and abandon everything they believe in? Why can’t doors just open up for you when you need one, why does it matter what I want to do? Why can’t I be as successful as any other person in the world, how come what I want is so different from what you want and yet we exist in the same reality? Different goals, why is that a thing, people sell books that profess they’ll help you become rich or financially free, why is that the backbone of all societies, wealth and riches, that is everything we all aspire for. Go get a job, go to school, do what you love, quit your job and follow your “passion”, marry someone who has something going for them, make sure you major in something that will get you hired, and work hard on your self and doors will open for you, your house is better and bigger than mine and so is your car, you need food, you need to stay healthy, you work so much that you forgot it is your wife’s birthday, what are you doing, what are we doing? Every single thing I said revolves around money, your societal status is based on money, and the more influence you have the more money you make. A mirage in a lot of young people’s eyes, they think they see the future but they don’t most of them live in the now and when they get to the “future” most of them will realize it’s not what they thought it was.

Why do I have to prove to you that I matter? Why should I matter for you to buy into my dream and hopefully make me successful in the process, why does it always have to be the other person who is in charge of your destiny most of the time? Of course, you are the core of it all but most often than not for your dreams to come true you need other people. They say take matters into your own hands, how can you do that effectively when that matter doesn’t only affect you but the people around you, the people you love, the people you care about, success has to come from a symbiotic relationship I presume.


I think it is time for me to get myself going. This isn’t the first time I’ve told myself this either, but this time it is for real, I think I am comfortable and calculated enough to go out there and start my straightening life. For the past few years, I wasn’t confident in myself enough, I wonder why, I still haven’t figured that out, maybe a therapist will help me get through whatever is that this thing is, to go out there and start a life seems to be a huge task but what else can I do, that is the only way I can grow, nervousness still gets the better part of me every time I try something new, I hate that feeling, I wonder how some people don’t get nervous or look like they aren’t why can’t that be me? The crazy thing about that feeling with me is the fact that I’m always nervous when I have to do something that I’m uncomfortable with but when I finally get to do the thing that I was nervous about I’m never nervous, I always wonder why that is.

Why am I willing and confident in myself to go out there and experience what everybody else seems to be experiencing?

Is that confidence, I wouldn’t really call it confidence rather, I had not figured out what the true reality of what I wanted to do was, how hard it was going to be, and how naive I was to think that I was different from other people who were interested in things that I was into. I knew what I wanted to do but the reality of what it pertained is what I hadn’t truly grasped, at the end of the day nothing you experience is unique to you, you are not alone in whatever it is that you are going through, I’ve come to accept this in the past years and so far, this way of thinking has done me more good than bad and that has to be a win.

At some point in my life, I had the assumption that if you work hard enough you are always guaranteed success, poor lil’ old me, looking back I can’t begin to imagine how naive that thought was. Nothing is ever guaranteed, not everything in life goes your way, not everything goes as expected, even if you did everything right, I got to learn that the hard way, a story for another day I presume. Most often than not, your financial success doesn’t only depend on you but also on other people, no matter what your occupation is, no one is exempt, other people have to be involved with your product or service, at first all this seemed so unfair to me, but that doesn’t help when it is the reality of life, so I had to grow out of that. Sometimes it gets so rough to a point where you wish you had it all figured out but then reality strikes and you remember everybody is different in a way and with your personality, it is going to be hard for you to amount the courage to whatever it is that you have to do in order to accomplish what you want. Guess what, nobody really cares about your feelings, especially if you don’t share them, people can’t read minds and the world keeps rotating every twenty-four hours and revolving every year, nothing in life stops for you, such a sour reality.


What is the MEDIA and how has it changed in the past few years, no human era has ever experienced life as we do right now, the rate at which information travels has changed a lot in the past few years, and social media is responsible for that. People can think for themselves more now as opposed to how it used to be back in the day. There are a couple of different outlets out there which is a good thing and also a bad thing, depends on what you consume, because what you consume for the most part helps make you what you are as a person socially. Though there are both good and bad when it comes to the media, it all comes down to what you consume from the media…

What is wrong with the media today? Lots, I could write a book about it and not ever cover everything that is wrong with it, on the other hand, there are so many positives with it that I couldn’t cover everything in a book if I was to write one. For starters, all media outlets are businesses, and making money is their number one priority and that is the reality of life to some extent. That is the sad thing about this issue, for the most part, the truth no longer counts for something, everything is based on views and website clicks hence making the headlines outrageous and sometimes dead false, and there are laws in place to support and protect these articles and stories, in most cases, there are no ramifications when it comes to breaking a false story that could end someone’s career or their way of living.

I believe we aren’t that much different socially from the way people used to live way back in the days, before the numerous social media outlets, the one controlling media used to be solely responsible for what and how the masses thought about social issues, either through the TV news, the radio or the newspaper articles, today we are lucky to have many voices that stand with or against the reality of the things happening in the world right now, by having this it gives one the option to choose what they want to believe and what they don’t want to believe.

Knowing how the media has acted in recent years and how it still acts today, I can’t help but wonder. Is the past that we know of a reality for the most part, or were some truths bent to favor the writers of the past? There are historians today who teach about these “great” people and civilizations from the past, and they get all the information and evidence from old archived books, and I wonder were these people they are talking about really great, did they really accomplish everything we credit them for? Do they really deserve all these praises or are they just the fortunate and the wealthy who were rich enough to pay some writer to write about them in glorious ways? I’m pretty sure back in the day, ( and even today in some countries like “North Korea”) you couldn’t write and publish anything bad about your king, queen, or leader as it would have been considered treason, so how can we really believe everything we read in these books, I would love to see the point of view of a peasant from those times, I would love to hear what they had to say about the status of their kings and queens.

Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

