Hi, my name is Kate and this is my state of mind, as I write this please beware that these are my thoughts and I am not my thoughts, but I could be. I AM MY ACTIONS.
Here goes nothing…
My state of mind is laughable… That is what I thought a few years ago, my state of mind was laughable a while back. I didn’t have a backbone for them, I had nothing to support my state of existence in this world, suicide thoughts? Not really, but I did wonder at times how my existence brings more pain and suffering to those around me, especially to my family because I had nothing to my name financially, and what was the point of existing if you can’t financially provide for those you love. This was my way of thinking back in the day, I didn’t allow myself to go deep and think about all the other things that mattered in life, I was solely focused on the financial side of things, not realizing that there is more to life than money.
Now I look around and I see a lot of things for what they really are, when I look at money I don’t see happiness anymore, when I think about a girlfriend I don’t only see sex anymore, when I think about school I don’t only think about grades anymore, when I think about family or spouse I don’t only think unconditional love anymore, tough love at times is needed, that is something that I am still working on as a person. I wonder if this happens to a lot of people or is it just me when it comes to such an eye-opening experience when you finally put on some glasses and get to see what life could be, because I truly believe your life is what you make it, if you want to see red you’re most definitely likely going to see red and vice versa. Of course, there are reds that are always there without your help, mainly because that is how the world is, some things are red because without them there will be no balance whatsoever. Reality of life.
What is life? We might be looking at the same thing but see two completely different things. This has been my genuine experience so far, for example, we both might be looking at a cup on a table, and you’ll see the potential of the cup to hold water and think about life, because life doesn’t exist without water, and that might make you see a cup as a symbol of life. On the other hand, I might look at the cup and see the ingenuity of the cup from the handle, the shape to the art that it is decorated with on the outside, and that makes me see the cup as a symbol of human intelligence, the cup to me now is a representation of intelligence. It is the same thing but two different minds come up with two different meanings, this is just an example but I assure you this is what is going on today and it is sad but that is human life. We live in a time where one group of people look at abortion as murder and the other group doesn’t consider it as murder, we are both seeing the same thing but coming to a different conclusion. This might seem so bizarre and it is but what can we do, we will always have different realities depending on our societies, the human species has existed for millions of years and there is still inequality and chaos between men. Makes me wonder, is it even possible to live in peace or will there always be discrimination, it has been millions of years that men and women have lived together but there is still inequality between them, I mean just in America women didn’t get the right to vote until August 18, 1920, it is now August 5, 2022, what took us so long.
They are just words, or are they?
Inequality, injustice, policing, cancel culture, racism, tribalism, nepotism, and the list never seizes. I have thoughts pertaining to these words all the time, these thoughts linger in my head longer than they are welcomed, I can’t help but worry when I see things that I don’t like happen out there, who am I to judge other people for their doings, what makes what I do right and what they do wrong? Is it because society has shaped the world with rules that are to be followed? How come I can smoke weed in some places in this country and in some places that same action will rob me of my freedom, what are rules? What is a law? A joke? Even we can’t come together as a country and agree on set laws, we have some states where abortion is legal and somewhere it isn’t, we have some states where you can own a weapon, and somewhere else the same weapon that is to keep you safe can land you in prison, what is going on. On a broader scale we have places in the world where women aren’t allowed to perform certain activities, the reason being they are women, and this is accepted by their rules and laws and if they’re broken then punishment is administered, what are laws?
I never thought about concerning things like these before because I was too naive to realize or do my research on such things.
Can life ever be fair, can we even talk about FAIR at this point when it comes to life? When has life ever been FAIR? You get a simple win now and then but for some reason getting what you need and want, or getting what you think you need and want, is never easy, or doesn’t ever seem to happen. Why is it that we are encouraged to suffer, to a point where we have a saying that goes, “if it is easy it is probably not worth it.” People are encouraged to work hard in life. But how do you even do that when hard work is subjective, it saddens me when people are given such an advice and not told HOW to work hard, because to be frank with you working hard depends on your definition of hard work, and only you can define what hard work is to you because you are the only person who knows your strengths, your weakness, and your potential. You are the only person who should know your strengths, your weaknesses, and your potential. Don’t go into a “working hard” mentality when you’re not aware of how you do it and/ or why you do it because what is the point of working on something without a clear purpose, and that is just an opinion from an artist.
I LOVE MYSELF, what does that even mean?
Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]