My name is Jerry, life has been brutal lately, not physically but mentally, I’ve come to some perspective lately and it hasn’t been pretty, here goes nothing…
It is fading away, it is all starting to go away, remember the feeling of joy that overtook us every time we thought about what we were doing with our lives? Where did it go? I would pay any amount I can just to get that feeling back, now life seems so empty, why am I alive if this is the life I have to go through, that is just but a thought, don’t pay that too much mind I still value my life. Deep down in my core it feels empty, everything I planned or thought would happen isn’t happening, and even if it happened it didn’t go the way I planned it to go, what else does the universe want from me? What can I do for the gods to bless me with my yearnings, is that even possible? My dreams have since turned to nightmares, everything I did for love now I do to survive, what has my life come to, I am living a lie, the question is when did it turn to a lie, was it always a truth and then at some point it shifted to a lie or was it always a lie? The answer to that I do not possess. What has reality come to? What has my reality come to? Working hard hoping that someday you will be able to taste the fruits of your labor, there is the word again, a word I hate saying, a word that shapes the world, a word that shapes my world, this word has had a recurring role in my life, a word that… HOPE. We all hope that what we do is good for us, we all do all we can now in order to survive whatever the future has to offer and I commend that. Hang your dreams and do what everybody else does, for you to survive sometimes that is what you have to do, sad, that is the only feeling I can think of, sad, such a sad reality. Every morning I wake up and put my tears and thoughts on a keyboard hoping that one day, someday it will all bear fruit, will it? Is the question we all HOPE to come true, we all HOPE our hard work pays in the end.
Snap back to reality.
Nothing is ever guaranteed in life but death. Work hard all you want, but an oasis is not guaranteed in a desert, a sad reality but it is a reality nonetheless, I guess we have to respect the truth of it. We are all chasing goals, dreams, and ambitions, some want to be the next big thing, reality says, just as bad as you want to own a restaurant someone has to clean the floors of that establishment, and believe me that someone also has dreams like you do, at the end of the day one or the other thing is going to happen, either you will own the restaurant or you might end up cleaning the floors at that restaurant you dream of owning, that is life, or so they say.
Take my words with a grain of salt, I am not your parent, right and wrong are subjective for the most part. Judge my actions, not my thoughts.
I am done with reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero] on September 4, 2022. –(Took me 6 months and six days – This was my eleventh book)
I started reading [Post Office by Charles Bukowski] on September 5, 2022.