ART : Fishing part 2.

By Sakuan.


My name is Me and I am a fifty-seven-year-old man, I write and write to express myself, but sometimes I can’t find the correct words to express what I feel because words for what I feel don’t exist yet and if I was to make my own words then you wouldn’t understand them, these are my thought, cherish them if you want, just don’t crucify me for them.

The more people you know the more you will get hurt in their end.

The more people you know the more you learn.

The more people you know the higher the chances of being happier.

The more people you know the higher the chances of being unhappier.

The more people you know the more you love.

The more people you know the more you hate.

Coming into grasp with the idea of death is something I strive for, in my fifty-seven years of being alive there hasn’t been a time where I sat down and say to myself, ‘now I understand what death is all about.’ It is still a question in my mind and I am assuming everyone else’s mind. How do you accept that someone you looked up to or loved is gone, their smile, their tears, their thoughts, gone in a blink of an eye, one second they are smiling the next they are lifeless and in a casket waiting to be put six feet under, it makes no sense at all.

When they pass it is sad, it is only right to be sad, what else can you do? Sometimes I wonder if I should not allow myself to know or to be acquainted with so many people. I think this brings lots of chaos, as much as we would like to find some peace in friending people, most times we don’t and that is the reality of living in a society where people have different thoughts and ideals.

The more people you know the more their experiences will affect you.

The shock you get when you learn that something bad has happened to them is a lot to bear for most people, me included, forbid death knocks on their door, this hurts even more. With the Internet being part of most of our lives today, it opens doors for you to know even more people than you would have without it. What these people give you matters, and if what they give you helps you in one way or another you can’t help but have an emotional connection with them. When they pass away it hurts just as bad as when someone you knew personally passes. The Internet allows us to know lots of people and in the end, this will lead to lots of tears and to some depression because the more people you know intimately the higher your chances of being heartbroken when tragedy strikes them. I wonder how kids who were raised on the Internet will pull through in the future.

It is a sad week. Not only for me but for all of those who were inspired by the great artist Kim Jung Gi. I don’t have words that can describe what I feel right now, he was one of the reasons why I do art the way I do it. One day you are healthy and doing tours and the next you suffer a sudden heart attack and you are gone, this doesn’t make any sense, we are robbed of great art that could have been. This doesn’t make sense at all. At the young age of only forty-seven, taken from us. He is still alive through his work and through all those he inspired, people like me, he will forever be remembered, and may his soul rest in peace. October 3, 2022, was a sad day for all artists and those that love art.

Rest In Peace, Kim Jung Gi.

Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

A Weird Topic about Death.
