Art : War Spy.
By Sakuan.
1. Inevitable.
Aha! We will all get there at some point, there are about eight billion souls roaming this earth. A true perspective of what death really is can be alarming if you are not prepared, and that’s if any of us gets the privilege to understand it, where does our so-called “SOUL” go when we die? How do you prepare one’s self to talk about death let alone experience it? About a hundred and thirty years ago, nobody who was blessed and/or lucky enough (depending on your stance on the reality of religious spirituality) to grace this earth then is alive today, ain’t that something, some few billion people gone just like that.
Nobody who experienced life a hundred and thirty years ago is alive to tell the tales of their fortunes or misfortunes today. Now, let that sink in…
A hundred and thirty years from now, someone will read my pieces and experience my life through my art, just like I am currently experiencing Charles Bukowski’s life through his art. Even though I will be dead some a hundred and thirty years from now, something of mine will live on to tell the tale, my tale. Maybe that is why I do what I do, I might be chasing a legacy, I am only human nobody on earth knows why we do what we do. Some people just want to have a normal life, a working life, a life where they don’t have to worry about building something meaningful that they’ll leave behind, to them this is a world they came into alone with nothing, they live by its rules and in the end leave it like they came, with nothing. On the other hand, there are those who came into this world, saw how it was, and told themselves they are not going to leave it as they found it. They swore to themselves to do something that will make it a better place for the generations to come. Some succeed and some fail, at times it is in trial and error that determines our success, some of us are lucky to see success early on and some of us only hope that a hundred and thirty-something years from now someone out there will experience a better life through your actions.
Currently reading [Factotum by Charles Bukowski]