Art : Dumb Care.
By Sakuan.
Panic Button.
Push it and everything will be alright, you see it so push it, I dare you, this is not a threat it’s a treat. Push it and it will let me know you are in trouble, push it and we all will be in trouble, push it and no one is the wiser, push it and see all of it go ka-boom, push it and see where the truth is, push it to point out the rat in our midst, push it to reveal the wolf in sheep’s clothing, push it to see who will stay and help, push it to see who will leave, push it to be at your happiest place, push it to reveal life, push it to see if God is real, push it just to push it. Just push the damn button already.
We are all afraid of what might happen if we push it, we are all afraid that the other side might have been right all along, we are afraid that we are afraid, what are we without the button? What could we have been without the button? Why do we care so much about things that don’t really matter? Why do we care so much about things that never make sense? Why do we care about people who are never in our lives? Why do we care about these things that make no sense whatsoever? Why am I here? Why do I still speak what I think to be true? Who are you and why should I care about you? People lie all the time, lies have consequences, but wait, I didn’t know that was a lie. So why do I get punished the same way as someone who willingly lied? Well, that is how the cookie crumbles, that is how life goes sometimes, you made a mistake and sometimes you pay for your mistakes whether you knew they were mistakes or not. Care to explain to me why you care? Care to explain to me why your life is perfect and mine isn’t?
Public Mirror.
The spot is immaculate, they are coming, they want to give us options that make no sense, they want us to do what they wouldn’t do, they want me to be who I want to be, or so I thought, they always ask questions about my whereabouts and I tell them exactly where I am because I think it is nice to be nice, how is it my problem that I was raised right? Who is “they” you might ask, well wouldn’t you like to know…
Circumstances divide us, I’m not too fond of it but that’s life, unfair but oh well…
They are coming for us, they are here and we all know why they come for us.
They are the ones who ask the questions, I am always here for them.
They say they care about us and I do care about them but it was all fake love.
I love fake it takes me to places, it gives me nice things, it “respects” my time.
The answer is always war, without it there is no peace. Open your brain.
What if I am wrong, what if they were right all along, places and time matter.
That is what they make it seem to be and I care about life so I speak up.
Try it, tell the truth, what is the truth? The truth is subjective all thanks to beliefs.
Beliefs, beliefs, beliefs.
They care about the things they say, they care about what I say and I keep saying.
They are always watching, they want everything, I make and I give it all to them.
Who are “they” you might ask, well wouldn’t you like to know…
They have all the power over me, I am scared to become a monster but I am one.
I cry and cry but no tears come out, then I realize I shouldn’t cry, I should smile.
It took a while before I went back to questioning if they were right. Foggy brain, mine.
I am cherished in my ground, they care about me wherever I go, they say, they say.
Please turn on the lights I need someone to turn on the lights, it’s dark in my heart.
It has been going on for a long time, is it productive? They murmur when I walk.
The time has come for me to be something, can I be something? Something powerful?
Hey please make me better, please make me respect myself, respect me, cut the rope.
Hey please see me, please pay attention to me, this is fun, this is my fun, they said.
I murmur all these words wishing that they would make sense.
I wish my dreams would come true, my nightmares have no problem doing that.
Do they make sense, they tell me, they tell me, they tell me?
Who are they, well wouldn’t you like to know…
By Nu Nazareth