Art : LAW.
By Sakuan.
The justice system we have is cruel and brutal but it is the best we have right now as a society and we have to go with it. The jury, let us talk about a jury, is a group of people who listens to a case in a courtroom and then decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty. We have cases like O. J where for some reason everybody seems to know for a fact that he did it but somehow he was found innocent when the facts were laid down on the table. We have cases of innocent people being sentenced to long terms in prison for crimes they did not commit just to be released later because of new evidence or because of how technology has advanced, how is this fair? Being a judge has to be one of the toughest jobs in the world, you are responsible for the freedom of lots and lots of people and it is a shame that the justice system we have right now is the best thing we have. What if the jury is biased, especially with the rise of social media, these days the jury probably already knows the case in and out through social media and has already made up their minds so what is the point is what I am trying to get at? I appreciate all the times that the right people have been convicted of crimes they have committed, but what about all the times the system has got it wrong, in most cases, the system acknowledges they are in the wrong and that is it, nothing more nothing less and that is sad in my opinion because a lot of lives are ruined but what can anyone do because this is the best we can do right now as a society. Sad times we live in.
Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]