Right thoughts, wrong thoughts.
Art : The Travel.
By Sakuan.
I never used to get these types of people, the hype beasts, people who follow and financially engage in a product or service because it’s popular. They have their reasons and the ones I can think of are; maybe they want to fit in, maybe they want to belong to something, maybe it’s a human nature thing, maybe they don’t want to be left behind, maybe they weren’t raised right, what does that even mean, “raised right.”
Right, what is right? Right is subjective rather than objective and here’s why, people like and do different things, people have different beliefs, people say different things depending on where they come from, people teach other people different things, people have different thoughts that lead them to think differently than you, that’s why right is subjective for the most part. That’s the same as truth, speak your truth they say, what does that mean? What does speak or live your truth even mean, this is a question I still ask myself every day, what is your truth and what makes you think your truth is the truth and is not a subjective feeling you have because of how you were raised and/or where you come from.
What is truth?
According to GOOGLE truth is defined as, “In accordance with fact or reality.”
When I read that I see two things a fact as a fact and a reality as a feeling. The reason is that at the end of the day a fact is a fact, a fact is something or an idea that has been proven to be true in every occasion, but a reality is a perception, we all have different realities based on our mindsets, different life circumstances force us to have different realities. The way I think about art isn’t the way you think about art, the reality about art is different from one person to the next, for example, for me, art saved my life, but for you that might not be your reality, and that’s okay. I take that as part of my truth, and if that is not the right thing to do then my reality would be nothing but a facade? I wonder how many more or less think the way I think about this. I wonder.
Being a fan of something is cool, being a fan of something to the point of defending that thing is understandable, or is it? Think about it, what makes someone so interested in an inanimate thing to the point of them defending it at all costs. GATEKEEPING, this is a term used a lot in all types of things, in music, video games, movies, sports, entertainment in general, and so on. Gatekeeping is one of the most interesting things about being a fan of something, here is how I look at it. Let’s say an artist put out an album, and a fan caught on to the artist earlier in their career, the fan will most likely call themselves a “day one”, and the fan is considered a day one in a literal sense. Just by this fact some of these fans feel like they own the artist or their art which is weird to begin with when you think about it.
My true thinking is that everyone has the right to judge and have an opinion on the artist and their piece of art because the artist shared their work with the world and not only with the people who appreciate their work necessarily. When you put something on the Internet, no matter what you think about it when you express yourself on the Internet in any way you open yourself up to the world and that opens you up for all types of treatment and critique, some of the treatment might not be justified at all but you have to accept that as a reality of the times we live in when you share your work with the world that’s what you open yourself up to. Nothing in life just comes with rewards only, everything has challenges and hardships, you might have to learn that the hard way, you might never learn it the hard way, but one way or another you’ll have to learn it at some point in your life.
When plans don’t go as planned what do you do? When plans don’t go your way what do you do? When things don’t go how you expect them to, why should you accept that and keep on pushing? When life tells you NO why should your response be a YES and keep on living? What’s the point of it all? WHY WHY WHY? Why should I be thankful for getting the experience to enjoy this life when all I do is suffer? What’s the point? What’s the point of the universe giving me parents that abuse me now and then, why would the almighty send me to a family that doesn’t respect me the way they should? Why was I born poor, why are my delt cards shittier than the next person? How am I supposed to accept that, am I supposed to accept that? Why should I accept that as my reality? Why is everything I do supposed to be right, why can’t I steal food if or when I’m hungry? Why can’t I cheat in a class that I don’t like? WHY WHY WHY? Why don’t we all like the same thing? It would be easier that way because then we would all be on the same page. The real question is, sure life would be easier that way, but the society would never evolve because we need different minds and thoughts from different thinkers for us to move forward as a society, the price we have to pay for it is dire. Is that a sacrifice you’d like to make? A stagnant society for possibly more peace? People will have different answers, the privileged are more likely to say NO, as they need their society to evolve. But for those who have experienced war and are still experiencing it in their everyday life, they would give everything for peace even if that thing means that their society will never evolve. Subjectivity is involved with how we live our lives more than you can imagine. Subjectivity shapes a society, in this era’s society, more than ever. It’s quite a sight to behold.
Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]