A Soliloquy.

Art : Watching OVER you.

By Sakuan.

A soliloquy.

I believe what I believe, I judge what I deem wrong, and I encourage what I deem right. I strive for what I think helps me, I strive to do good to others, sometimes I’m successful and sometimes I’m human. The truth is I don’t value myself as much as I should, why would I? Who am I to think I’m better than other people? Who am I to think people deserve to like what I do? Who am I and why do I deserve to be happy? Self-worth is important but who am I to take care of myself? Why do I deserve to be loved? Do I deserve to be loved just for the mere fact that I exist?

I regard helping the poor as a good thing, yet I don’t do it as much as I could or should, the worst thing about it is I don’t feel as bad as I should because I don’t think about it as much as I should. I’ll go to a higher height and admit to myself and to the world that I don’t try as much as I know I should or could to help the poor. Maye it’s a habit or maybe life’s too complicated and it’s not fair for me to call that a habit. I could easily give a portion of my income from every paycheck to a charity of some sort, especially a charity that focuses on the unprivileged people, in third world countries since I know how they live and how they strive to survive, day in and day out. I was part of that for the first eighteen years of my life, I know and understand what they go through, get it together SAM.  I’m not that unique so I know there are lots of MEs out there; MEs that don’t give to the poor, MEs that went or are currently going through poverty, MEs that want to do better, MEs that want to help but are skeptic of all these charities out there, MEs that wish they could be the ones who gave the money directly to the affected people and not go through a second or a third party source, MEs that care but don’t know how to properly show it, MEs that wish life was simple and clear cut but then what would be the point of it all if it were as simple, MEs that keep wondering.

I have a lot of thoughts, the one true query is, how do I justify these thoughts to ME…

To be or not to be, that is the question…

(Today I hit two years of drawing every day. How do I feel, NORMAL)

Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


Right thoughts, wrong thoughts.
