Art : PPG.
By Sakuan.
Artificial Intelligence. Some people think this will take away our jobs, some people think the technology itself will get its own consciousness and turn against us by having a mind of its own or something to that extent, some people think this is the next step to our human achievements, some people think it’s already doing enough at the moment to destroy human life, some people love it, some people love to hate it, and some people hate it just because they exist and some people hate it because it left them or people they know jobless. You can’t speak about AI without bringing up machinery, machines took a lot of jobs when they were first invented, I would assume people were outraged, I would be too to be fair, the outrage during the industrial revolution is completely understandable, and to some extent, I would say justified. How would people put food on their tables during those hard times? The reality is, I think that was an important time in human history despite lots of people losing their jobs. That’s a sacrifice humanity had to make in order to advance as a society. This happens every once in a while in human existence where people sacrifice a lot for their future to be brighter, a future that they might not even be able to experience. I think we are close to yet another big sacrifice as a society with the Internet being a major factor in most of our lives today. We still don’t understand or know how the Internet will affect us, we are yet to have an eighty-year-old who was born in the era of social media, we are yet to have a ninety-year-old person who was born in the era of next-gen video games, we are yet to have a seventy-year-old who was raised on and with the Internet. I wonder how this will affect us, I wonder how this will affect the future seventy-year-old me. These are some of the brain rumblings that keep my eyes wide open at night.
Who are you? Are you real? Who came up with the idea of you? Who came up with the concept of you? You’re universal in one way or another in every type of believer out there, why is that? Why do people love you so much? Why do people hate you so much? Why are you so addicting? Why do you need all the praise? Why don’t people blame you for all the bad things that you supposedly had the power to get rid of? Are you real? They say you made man in your spitting image, that can’t be true; are you black? Are you Asian? Are you white? What are you? Can you hear me right now through these thoughts that linger in my head right now? I’m wondering, if you’re real how come you’ve never popped up in modern history just to make people believe that you exist, even if it’s for one second, popping up would help a lot. The skeptic in me keeps thinking, how come all these miracles from the past that kept happening how come we don’t see these miracles anymore, they all seemed to disappear after the camera was invented, please don’t strike me for these questions of wonder and worry. There are all these religions that we have today, religions that believe their version of YOU, and they all believe their version of YOU is the right version. Popping up once in a while and letting people know what religion has the right version of you would be helpful. But I don’t think you can do that anymore because all it would bring is violence and war between these believers themselves and the non-believers too, you’ve stayed away for millions of years at your castle and people have found their own ways of life, you showing yourself now will only bring pain more than it would bring happiness and peace. People will have all sorts of questions and by how much we know you, these questions are probably never going to be answered, these questions include: why now? And you know that means right? That means why did you decide to come now and not last week when my pagan dying mother was on her death bed, why not a year ago when I was still a believer and all I needed was answers from the horse’s mouth, but you never showed up, why not yesterday when I lost my newborn, I believe your presence alone could have saved him, why now when the world is at more peace than it has ever been? You could’ve shown yourself up during slavery and stopped that nonsense of a business, hey God, there is a joke that goes around today when people describe how long things are, they always use this phrase which is rather funny “… was longer that the nap God took when slavery was happening.” I hope you have a good sense of humor and don’t find that offensive, and if you do, my apologies. You could’ve shown up during the holocaust and stopped that madness, you could’ve shown up during any of the world wars and stopped it entirely, you could’ve shown up during any of the plagues that affected us throughout human history, you could have stopped all the pain and suffering. But no you decided to hide from us for some reason, that has consequences, so now instead of people being happy that you’ve come, more people would curse you, the pagans would ask why didn’t you show yourself when they had all those unanswered questions, in a sense, it’s your fault that they don’t believe in you. Personally, I have to say, I can’t blame them for such thoughts, since you’ve made it so complicated than it should be. These are just one man’s thoughts.
Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]