Art : Pony.
By Sakuan.
I like what I see and sometimes it is good to see what you like. The more you live life the more you learn, the more you open up yourself to the world, and the more the world opens up to you, this is a concept that I had to come into gripes with, this is a concept that I have no trouble accepting these days, this is a concept that has always fascinated me since I first discovered it, the idea wasn’t taught to me, the concept wasn’t forced on me, I stumbled upon it by living. The action and reaction part of it is backed by science itself. When you think about it the world is relative, everything connects with everything, and everything came from something, the thought that the universe itself at some point didn’t exist is such a hard thing to think because as we all know everything has a beginning, and an end, I wonder what the world was before there was a world, was the universe always there, we can have all the theories in the world of how things came to be, some might be more believable than others but the fact still remains that at the end of the day, they are just that, theories. The concept of life itself is such a peculiar thing, you are not there, and out of nothing you emerge and you are something, maybe I am thinking way deep into this, but the body is one of the most fascinating things ever, the fact that our blood runs through our veins all the time and yet we don’t hear it is insanity, the fact that our brains are protected by something as hard as a skull still amazes me, what are the chances, nature is such a weird thing, the fact that some we all have unique fingerprints are as art in itself, I can keep on going and going of how I am genuinely fascinated by the existence of life itself but that is a chapter that can’t be explained to satisfactory by anyone…
Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]