Art : Standing.

By Sakuan.

The lord has spoken, thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not use HIS name in vain. HE is a jealous God, we know that because he makes it clear enough. I love HIM, I used to worship HIM, I still worship HIM from time to time, he is the being I need in my life, the only being who supposedly knows my struggles, the only being to know each and every mishap that may come my way, the LORD of all lords, the one to be feared, I don’t fear anything but HIM and occasionally death, I’ve come to fear death less and less as I became older. The reason for that is rather simple than one could imagine, the reason is I’ve learned to love ME more than I’ve ever loved ME before and accept death as it is something that is bound to happen to all of us at some point in the future, life is a blessing and death is inevitable, and that is the objective truth. DEATH, the sound of it alone is chilling and strikes a pang to the stomach, the thought of it is unnerving, and the thoughts it comes with are crucial and sometimes detrimental to the mind, the mind itself can’t stay at peace just by thinking about it, the thoughts of worry linger in our heads making us worry and not enjoy this blessing we call LIFE. Life as we know it is interesting, why waste it thinking of the inevitable is the query I have for you, of course, life itself is not fair at times, but it’s deeper than that, life is complicated, some get what they want, most don’t and there is the rub. This fact begs the question to some, why live, why put yourself through all this torture when it can all end with a push of a trigger to one’s skull. The thoughts that linger in one’s head, only HE knows, only GOD knows, HE knows and yet still decides to be quiet about it, what a toxic relationship me and the almighty being have, yet WE, I till worship and praise him, not religiously but from time to time of course. Maybe one-day answers will be given to those who ask, but who am I to get what I want, what makes me special, why should I get the answers from HIM and not my neighbor who suffers more than me. The answers I might need from HIM, to my neighbor all my problems might all seem like privileged problems, who am I to say they’re not, and who is my neighbor to say they aren’t, life can be unfair by what do WE, I, make of it?

Come unto me my child and I will deliver every and anything you want unto you, why can’t this be the case when it comes to HIM, why can’t HE give me all I desire at once why is everything HIS will, what even is HIS will? They say everything happens for a reason, that is a complicated statement to comprehend, my little brain has chased this statement for miles to try and grasp it but to no avail. The only thing I can think of is what about everything that happens for no reason, the statement everything happens for a reason leaves us with a lot of questions that no one but HIM has the answers to and HE doesn’t want to speak to us, and with that, I think the statement “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR NO REASON” is more soothing, at least to me it is because it doesn’t come with any questions ant it leaves my brain at peace, my thoughts don’t go wild trying to figure out why something bad or good happened to me or for me. This way of thinking might change in the future but for now, this is the sad reality that I have to be a part of in order to stay sane. We question all the bad things that happen to us all the time, but the good things more often than not, go unnoticed or unappreciated, as days go by the more this seems to be human nature, and I think that is what life is in a nutshell. We “work hard” (we all have different definitions of what hard work is, in short, hard work is subjective). We work hard and if success comes our way, we feel like we deserved it, but if it doesn’t, questions and conclusions of different magnitudes and states start coming up; I didn’t work hard enough, maybe if I did this different I would have made it out of poverty, where is my GOD when I need him, life can be brutal but I’ll keep on pushing, why does everything meaningful in life have to be hard, how come he/she did the same thing that I did but they are successful and I’m not, they did way less than I did and they ended up on top but I’m stuck here at the bottom, why do I get to struggle and they don’t, what is life? All these assumptions are fair, they are all a reality for some and excuses for some. Why do we keep on pushing even after we fail? A question that keeps me wondering.

Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

A Story called: THE ANIMAL.
