A Story called: THE ANIMAL.

Art : US

By Sakuan.

A Story called: THE ANIMAL.

Is this real, is the life I’m living a lie, does an animal understand what life is. We are all animals, I’m an animal, you’re an animal, we all exist in time, I’m aware of that, are you? Is there a purpose in us, we are born pure, we are raised, some of us nurtured well, and some of us got the bad end of the stick. Who is to blame for an animal’s mishaps, is it the animal or is it the environment from which it stems from. Everything is a cycle.

When an animal is born it exists in a cycle. Some animals try to change the structure of reality, we all know what they are. For starters they try to go out of the earth in which they live: they go out to space and other planets in the name of this thing called science and exploration. They make alternate realities for themselves through entertainment, whether it be through movies, TV shows, music, art, or writings, and the list never seizes to end, and as time goes by they keep on discovering more and more of what the universe has to offer. Curiosity killed the cat, sometimes I wonder, is the curiosity of humanity the thing that will end human existence, I do believe that it’s only a matter of time until big developed societies start to change, and a dystopian society is not far fetched as a possible future reality. Maybe that is a little bit harsh or exaggerated a bit but I do believe peace isn’t going to be an easy thing to come into grasp with, it could be hundreds of years from now, but I believe it is bound to happen. The reason why it might happen and might not happen is all based on education, the more educated we get the more peace there will be, and with the same breath the more education we get the more brutal the conflict will be, even though this is a subjective thought, it’s not that crazy to take it as a possibility.

The Man.

The animal instinct in us makes us do things we aren’t proud of, the animal instincts in us make us worry about things that are yet to exist, the future, a normal thing to happen to most of us. We often tend to worry about the future when in reality the future is not REAL, it’s only in our mind, it’s only real because there is a past in which we have experienced. It is useful to worry about the future because we have the privilege of having the feeling of “worry” as we are species with the ability to think about the future. We have the ability to intellectually think about tomorrow and what it brings and this is all based on what we learn from the past. Each and everyone has a past, we all have past experiences, and we all ought to learn from them, maybe we don’t have to, that is just a thought that I have. I like what I like because yesterday told me to. Most of our virtues, morals and the way of thinking are solely based on our past experiences and if they turn out to be bad actions or thoughts who is to blame ME yesterday or ME today. I think this depends on what the situation is, if your actions only affect you, then people will tend to empathize with you more but if your actions disturb the peace of other people, society will tend to blame you today and not care so much about you yesterday. Nobody empathizes with a school shooter who goes on a rampage and kills dozens of children in a school, it doesn’t matter what the reason is, that action is unjustifiable. DON’T MAKE YOUR BAD DAY MY BAD DAY, that’s selfish.

Control yourself, seek help, don’t be selfish, just because you’re tired of your life doesn’t mean I’m tired of mine, let me live in peace, let me enjoy this small time I have left in this universe, I came in alone and expect to leave alone, why do you want to take me with you?


I’m doing well health-wise, I’m still trying to anchor myself when it comes to life in general, especially my work life. My thoughts are great, they don’t wonder as much, so that is a good thing. My family is healthy and well, and I’m grateful for that. I still love video games, music, and art. I’m still trying to figure out this Youtube thing because what I had planned earlier this year turned out to be more challenging than I had imagined, with the quality and consistency I was trying to go for isn’t as practical with one person as I had imagined, now I will try to go for a more simple type of content and see where that leads me. My favorite piece of content of recent weeks has been the animation from Alberto Mielgo called JIBARO on netflix’s season three of Love Death + Robots.

You might be wondering why I’m still reading this book at the bottom and why it took me so long, it’s because it’s not a fictional book, it’s a book that talks about different religions, and as you can imagine I’m someone who takes their time when it comes to delicate things, that is the reason why it is taking me so long, and it’s the first book of this kind for me so I’m not used to ingesting this kind of information, it’s a curiosity thing about religions that led me to start reading this book, sand so far I’ve learned a lot hence I appreciate different religions more.

Currently reading [God is Not One by Stephen Prothero]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


