By Sakuan.
In whatever it is that you think you are doing, are you improving? Do you feel like you are going nowhere in life, do you do what you do because you want to do it or do you do what you do because you think you have to do it, these are two completely different feelings. For one doing what you think you have to do might not be the right thing to do, no one ever knows for certain, chances are what we all take and for some of us it ends up in our favor and for others, it doesn’t, as a matter of fact, it goes completely the other way. You have no one to cry to, no one to tell all your sad stories, and it is not because no one is willing to listen rather you don’t know how to open up to other people. We die with this chip on our shoulders, a chip that we don’t know exists, we die on hills that are completely wrong fundamentally, and no one can help us because they don’t know what you are going through, you don’t share anything with them. The worst part about it all is the fact that you think and believe you are fine just the way you are, and there are people out there who enforce this feeling and then you think you are right and fine just the way you are. By the time you realize what’s happening to you it is too late and the tide has shifted. You are all alone in the middle of the ocean with no land mass in sight, it is hot and your raft is leaking, and in a distance you see sharks swimming below, and right then and there you accept your fate and lay back on the sinking raft.
Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]