Art : Globe.
By Sakuan.
Emmanuel please call me, please tell me what I want to hear, please say something to me, I love my life to be dealing with this. You care about life and you care about what you think, it is all peculiar, I favor myself to do good but you never know. We care about life and yet others always look like they don’t care about their lives. Loved ones pass away and you have to accept it and move on as quickly as possible, but that is where the problem lies. Life still goes on no matter what you are going through, you still need to go to work, you still need to make money, you still need to stay healthy in all aspects, physically and mentally, and you still need to take care of those who are left in your world. That is the struggle of losing, the fact that the world doesn’t stop for a few seconds to acknowledge your pain, you suffer alone.
A parent burying their child should not be a thing but it happens at times, that has to be one of my greatest fears. The pain never goes away, you are lucky if you have people around to cheer you up, you are lucky if you have people to lend you their shoulder, you are lucky if you have people to lend you an ear.
I suffer alone even though there are people who can help me, I know they are there but opening up hasn’t been a strong suit for me, I have never learned to do that, I suffer alone, I experience my own thoughts all by myself. I know that isn’t healthy at all, but that is all that I know. Maybe I should change that or maybe I shouldn’t, who cares?
By Nu Nazareth.