Art : Half Lucy.
By Sakuan.
This is the time of my life, this is the time to do something, this is who I am, this is who we are, these are the types of people I love.
I don’t understand why the world is the way it is, sometimes I think I get it but it so gently rolls down the hill like a snowball, something so small turns into something so big, and yet everyone still sees it as “just snow” and not something that can wreck. For the most part, things only get realized in hindsight and all of a sudden it all becomes apparent. People are sheep, I am sheep too, but what if I really believe what I am following? Does that make me at least a mindful sheep, how come some things are so obvious and apparent to me but not to others? They keep drinking the kool-aid, oh wait, am I the one who drank the kool-aid? But my version of the story seems so right to me, I guess that their version of the story also seems so right to them, they are not willing to change for they believe they are in the right and I am not willing to change for I believe I am in the right. Makes me wonder, how did we as the homo sapien species manage to coexist for this long? I guess we didn’t and never did and probably never will. The reason behind this is quite simple, the thing that keeps us together is the same thing that keeps us apart, and that is being a part of something, belonging to a community, an identity, to survive we all need to have an identity, and that brings in biases, and when there are biases the concept of peace becomes but a dream, such are human beings, war, of any kind is inevitable.
Pick up a pole and stand for something, that is the only way to survive, ultimately what makes us strong becomes our biggest weakness.
By Nu Nazareth.