Art : Burn.
By Sakuan.
Stay away from the problems, tell people everything that hurts you, please tell them because they just might help you with your endeavors, you never know, it is true that they might betray you and that is a risk you just have to take, not because it is mandatory but because it is human. We all have these things we play with, we all have things we are proud of that no one else would understand. There are always people out there who are willing to listen, there are always people out there who you will need, now you don’t know them and probably never will but that is the honest truth. You have to try something new every now and then and you have to exist in reality every now and then, I know this because I have been to places no one else will ever dare to be and I came out unscathed, so who am I? I would love to know that too, I would love to know who I am at my core, I would love to understand what my purpose is. Time flies and now you realize it is time for you to start thinking of having a family.
It is time for you to start breeding, oh wait I am a man I don’t have to worry too much about time, oh lucky me! But what about those that aren’t as lucky, what can you tell them?
It is time for you to start breeding, oh wait I am a man I don’t have to worry too much about time, oh lucky me! But what about those that aren’t as lucky, what can you tell them?
It is time for you to start breeding, oh wait I am a man I don’t have to worry too much about time, oh lucky me! But what about those that aren’t as lucky, what can you tell them?
Did I repeat myself?
By Nu Nazareth.