I am terrified of the things that I don’t understand, I have so many questions that I will never get an answer to and that is okay. I have prepared myself for everything that might come my way, at least that is what I thought, that was my initial belief but now I have a different view on life, now I have a different way to see the world, now I have things that hold me back, but such is life. I am scared of what might be as well as what might not be and you can’t tell me that is right or wrong because you probably don’t know whether that is right or wrong, you exist and that is the end of it, you belong and that is the end of it, you stay where you are needed and that is the end of it. We are all victims of our own failures and successes, some of us are proud of where we are at in life and most of us aren’t. We all follow and worship the things that our society deems valuable and that is okay, that is fine in my book and you can’t tell me otherwise, I have my own way of doing things and I hope this way eventually works for me, I doubt it will but that is not because I lack hope but rather that seems to be the probable outcome based of my experience with life itself. I have seen the way I look at things, I have seen how I interact with myself and I haven’t been honest with myself, I have always had a chip on my shoulder, and I have always wanted to be more than what I am, is that wrong of me to cherish?
By Nu Nazareth.