Staring and Stopping.
Art : See me?
By Sakuan.
Lost in time, I am lost in thoughts, these are my voices, they keep telling me different things, I wonder how people live their lives without ever questioning their beliefs. At one point one has to assume that it is useless to question because there never is any answer out there, at least an answer that satisfies you. Different people will give you different answers to life questions because different people have different life experiences. Some people think and some don’t allow themselves to think and is that a problem really? When you see how people act around other people, me included, sometimes it is pathetic but we are human, what else do we know other than seeking for other people to like us?
How do you quit? Someone might ask and the answer to me is simple, never start in the first place, that is what I have learned in the few years that I have been alive. I look at the world and wonder what life would be like if I did something different, I never dwell on what could have been, and the reason as to why I don’t do that is quite simple, what could have been is not the reality, what is, is the reality. When people think of what could have been they always assume their lives would have been better if they made a different choice and even though they might be right they also might be wrong because I do believe there are people out there who made that choice and ended up worse than them.
One can sit there and say, I should have followed my dreams instead of focusing on a regular job growing up, maybe… I know I would have been a wealthy and famous actor if I chased my dreams. One can also sit there and say, I followed my dreams but they amounted to nothing, I am thirty-five still poor and living paycheck to paycheck, maybe… I should have listened to my parents when they told me to focus on a more realistic career, I could have been a doctor, and I could have had a steady income and a beautiful family.
This begs the question, is there really a right way to live? You might say yes, but the answer is both yes and no because one part of the world believes one thing, and the other believes a completely different thing and yet we still co-exist.
Such is life.
By Nu Nazareth.