I look…

Art : Pink.

By Sakuan.

I look at my life and wonder how I got here. There are people who are wild and there are people who are special, there are people who say things they don’t want to say, hey there they say, you are special in my eyes they say, you are special to me they say, are these just words? Does that even matter? Do you need people on your side? I have a story to tell, there is always a story to tell, there are things I should have done, but I don’t know what those things are, I just know they are there.

Where do I start? I have questions about life, there are questions that have to be asked, there are questions that I ask myself. These questions are perfect, these questions should be asked I can’t stress that enough, these questions are what I live for, these questions are incredible, these questions are admirable, I should have done this before but there is only one problem, I don’t know what these questions are or should be. Twenty-eight, maybe it is time to think about starting a family, as a man I am lucky when as I can have children in my fifties, I am afforded more time to think and get my life together. Women aren’t allowed that luxury, a sad reality, it isn’t fair but it is a reality, such is life. I think a lot and I believe in some of these things but that is just that, they are but thoughts, I am who I am because of the things I have done not the thoughts I have had. This is who I am today and there is something I can be based on how I live my life, is it perfect? No, is it perfect, yes. You can answer that question in a lot of ways but you have to belong to answer, but what is it that I am supposed to belong to? Life needs a lot of figuring out, as unfair as it might seem you have to accept it because no one and nothing will wait for you to get your life together, people move on, you move on from other people, it is called life.

I write and write hoping someone will see me some day, and as the days go by and by that possibility becomes harder and harder to reach let alone fathom…

By Nu Nazareth.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”




Rumblings of a mad man.