Art : Indicate.
By Sakuan.
That was nice, it felt like life, it felt like something I will never have in my lifetime, I hope that is not the case, I hope this was a dream that is bound to come true, I would love that but for me to get there I need to do something, I need to become someone, I need to fight for that, I want to become something, I keep saying this but I don’t know what, of course I have an idea but that is it, it is but an idea that I need to sharpen. I hear people say the things they say and I know they mean these things. Some people get where they want to get to just to realize that the place was never for them, what if that happened to me, I am scared of becoming rich and then losing it all, I see it happen to people all the time and I am not one to think that would never happen to me because these people whom it happened too, I am sure at one point they thought that would never happen to them, this is something that I have to live by, this is something that I have to get over because I have to exist and I have to make something out of myself for what is a man without a kingdom of his own. How long are you going to be scared? How long are you going to shut your lips? Do yourself a favor and say what you think to be the truth, do yourself a favor and stop lying to yourself, do yourself a favor and start living your life in peace, do yourself a favor and be polite to life and what it offers, these are the things I think about and these are the things that I have to solve, shut your lips they say, it might just save your life…
By Nu Nazareth.