Dreams Turned to Nightmares.
Dreams Turned to Nightmares, by New Nazareth.
I dream like any other, I have hopes like any other, and I want things like any other, material things. I know things like any other, I am told I shouldn’t be a thing person but a more meaningful person, it is all confusing, if that was the case then why do I spend almost a quarter of my life aspiring to get the thing that I am told is so bad? Perfection and its sincerity, why do we aspire to be perfect? Nothing is perfect so why do we aspire to be nothing? Play on words you might think but everything is relative, so go back and think about it.
People are sheep; the shepherd was once a sheep, but how did he become a shepherd? That is the question, how did he step away from following and started being followed? He is worshiped and loved, at least that is what it looks like, it is all very confusing from an outsider’s perspective. What if I am wrong and everything the other side says is right, on paper I should be able to accept that I am wrong and move on to better things but as we all know that is not how it all works, I am human at the end of the day and accepting my fault doesn’t seem to be one of my great attributes. We cry, we laugh, we play, we love, we hate, we doubt, we trust, we lie, we exist, and all of this in a matter of seconds, we are a complicated species and we somehow find ways to prosper, we somehow find ways to become what we are asked to become without any questions asked.
Do you care? Do you know what caring is? What makes you think you do? Do you like what you see? If not then what are you doing or going to do about it? Oh wait, it is out of your hands? Is it really though…