A pie and a roach.

Art: Immortal Chains.

By Sakuan.

A pie and a roach.

The sweeter the pie the crazier the roach.

I am right, you are right, we are all right.

I am wrong, you are wrong, we are all wrong.

Who gets to decide what is right and what is not?

You? Who gave you the authority?

Don’t tell me what to do, I have no master.

I need help getting off the ground, please someone tell me what to do.

I care for you, I care about what you say, I love you for that.

I don’t love you, I don’t understand you, why are you in my life?

Fill that mug with my tears and drink them, that is what you are good at.

Listen to my cry, I don’t know how to make my cry be heard, it is hard being me.

If only they knew what was going on in this head then maybe they would understand.

I keep getting richer and richer every day.

The richer I get with knowledge, the poorer I get with happiness.

The size of the frown on my face indicates the amount of knowledge I have.

The bigger the frown the more I know.

Why would I listen to you, you have made nothing of yourself.

Maybe I should listen to you because you know more about life than I do, maybe…

You think you know me, how is that possible when I don’t even know myself?

I cried last night because I am not who I know I could be.

Rolling the ball is not hard, but getting it to roll is the toughest thing in life, for all.

Salute to those who know themselves, which is no one.

I love you because I know the real you, I love you because I don’t know the real you.

Such is life, a complication that God Himself doesn’t want to be a part of.

I hate love because love doesn’t know how or when to hate. It is indeed blind.

Hate is necessary, because with no hate then what is LOVE?

Yours truly,

New Nazareth.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


Do nothing and nothing will happen.


Dreams Turned to Nightmares.