Ha! Ha! Ha!

Art : Justice or Money.

By Sakuan.

My name is Jack and I have a gripe with my society that I would love to talk about, I wish I were rich…

Why do you want to be rich and powerful so bad? I was once asked. Well the answer is simple, in this society we live in the rich always get away with it, and even if they don’t it sure does take a long time for them to fall if they break a societal rule, and that to me is the definition of power and to some weird extend unjust freedom. You go to court against a rich person well good luck with that, justice is not really a thing. How come He is being sued for raping and abusing a woman and instead of the police investigating him, your lawyer advises you to settle, is it because they know this war cannot be won? Is the court really about justice for all or subjective justice? It is sad that a rape victim is forced to settle with this powerful man, well at least you get something out of it because if you take it to court well he has infinite money, lawyers are not free, and your tears can only mean so much in a society that is structured this way, most societies are and don’t get me wrong this is the best we can do at the moment I don’t have an answer as to what will be better because as we all know life is complicated and it is never that simple. Let us say you are stupid enough to believe justice is going to be served, sometimes it does, you go to trial as a victim, pause there, for you to get there in the first place you have to hope that the accused doesn’t take the proposed deal given to them, for some reason the society accept that because that is what the court system is, I never understood that why is it that over 95% of cases that go to trial never get acquitted? How is that just, I feel like going to trial should be like flipping a coin a fifty- fifty percent chance of it going your way but when you know there is a 99% chance you aren’t going to get anything out of it then why go? From a victim’s perspective, why would a person who caused me pain be given a deal that basically gives them less time in prison or a slap on the wrist just because they admitted to their crime, something that they are seen on camera doing, how is that fair? It is sad that a rape victim knows they will never get justice and the only way they can at least get something out of their pain is to file a civil lawsuit because it is easier to get a rich person to give you money than it is to lawfully convince your society that they actually raped you.

As sad as it is that is why I want to be rich, the rich get away with a lot in our society.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


A New Leaf.


The Cry.