Peer Pressure.


Art : Shoe.

By Sakuan.

Hello there, today I have to be serious, I NEED to be serious. I feel like this topic is underrated. Peer pressure, escaping peer pressure, I would say the person who has learned this ability is a god living amongst humans. Peer pressure can both be a good and a bad thing, this depends on how you let it affect you. Nobody is fully shielded from peer pressure, I wonder why our society solely looks at peer pressure as a bad thing, it could work both ways. It all depends on who you keep around, the friends you make, your family, the acquaintances you meet, your significant other. Let me expand on that, if your friends are encouraging you to work hard, hit the gym, eat good, ensure your mental state is in the right place, that is peer pressure but in a good way, right? If your friends are encouraging you to drink, smoke, cheat, then that’s also peer pressure but in a negative way. Is it all about looking cool, is that what peer pressure is? “do as we do or you’re lame?” is that it? I still wonder why fitting in is so important for us as human beings. It’s as if your life isn’t enough, and you need other people to tell you that it is, “as long as you do what we do over here, then you can join us, but before that, you’re not welcomed here”, that’s sort of peculiar, for lack of a justifying word. Just a FOOD for thought.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


