Art : Pain.
By Sakuan.
Habari zenyu, today I think I’m going to talk about something that I haven’t addressed yet, insecurities. I don’t think I’m ready to talk about this, but who am I to decide when the time is right, for all I know tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, better now than never. This is a weird topic for me because one insecurity might give you the illusion of having more insecurities than there is. For example, let’s say you are in a different country and you’re insecure about how you talk. That one insecurity will make you avoid people, even deeper than that, you’ll be scared to talk to the people you’re attracted to. “Oh, I don’t want them to see my weaknesses,” this is one of the thoughts that pops in one’s head. What do you do when your biggest “weakness” is the way you speak? Then you won’t even be bothered to talk to them, and that’s sad. That might give you the illusion that one of your insecurities is talking to people you’re attracted to, when in reality you have to face the fact that you’re not born in that country, it’s only right that you can’t speak like them and that’s fine. I know you’ll give yourself excuses of why you don’t like talking to people, and when you sit down and ask yourself about why you’re insecure, most of the time you’ll find out all the excuses you make for yourself, don’t really make sense.
Sometimes it might not even be insecurities, you might not be familiar with an environment because you’re new to it, that’s normal, but as human beings, at least some of us, we tend to take this as an insecurity when clearly it’s okay and normal to be uneasy in a new situation.
The body thing, I can’t talk about insecurities without mentioning the body thing, what is the body thing you might ask: your size, how you look, your shape, your height, a lot of these insecurities are usually self-inflicted, at least for me they were. I used to decide what other people thought about me without them telling me what they really felt about me, or before them even showing me what they felt about me, I later came to the conclusion that a lot of things aren’t what you expect them to be, this is so true. When I’m nervous about doing something, in a lot of situations it always occurs to me that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be after I’m done with it, it’s all a perception, why is that, why aren’t people naturally confident, why do some of us need to learn how to be confident while for others it just comes naturally, these are things to think about. How do you deal with insecurities, do you ignore them? Do you beat yourself up about things that are out of your control? Or do you face your fears head-on? Sometimes I wonder.
I vow to try my best to not let fear prevent me from doing things that are beneficial in my life.