Art : Twenty Seven.
By Sakuan.
Hey, it is ME.
This is the author speaking, the author of everything that was ever written on here, these are thoughts that I portray to you, as I always say, my thoughts are not my actions, so please if you will, only judge me for my actions and not for the thoughts that I have no control over.
Today I turn twenty-seven, and today is the twenty-first of January 2023, it has been a long time coming, it always feels weird getting older and older because you soon realize that life is short and you have to do everything you can to enjoy every second of it while you still can. As far as my personal life goes, it has been such a ride and I hope it keeps on giving and giving. I have gone through periods of love and hate, I have gone through periods of giving and taking from those that I love, sometimes it felt good but most of the time I felt evil for doing that. It took me a long time to be comfortable with my family when it comes to asking for help, now I find myself being open enough and free enough to go to any of my family members and ask them for help. The reason why it was hard for me was that I used to take myself as an extra weight in their lives, I know it is a sad thing to say but it was what it was, that happened and I am getting better at fixing that mentality.
I can be whoever I want to be, at least that is what I used to think until life kicked me in the head and told me otherwise, I soon came to learn that those were nothing but fairy tales that we were told as children to help us strive for whatever it was that we wanted to become, that statement would fit if money wasn’t the motivation for everything or most of the things we do and require in life. Just because you want it doesn’t mean you are going to get it and I think that is fair considering how random life can be at times. There have been times when I thought this has to be it, this is where my life changes for the better, this is the time when everything will be going my way, sometimes it did but most of the time it was challenging, to say the least.
Nonetheless, it has been great to experience life so far, and going forward I hope everything keeps on getting better and better for the sake of my sanity. This year has started off well and I hope it keeps getting better and better for me, but like I said that rarely happens because of how random life can be. Twenty-seven is such a weird year for anyone to be, it is halfway between twenty-five and thirty and that is scary to some and exciting for others, hitting thirty has to be scary for some people I would imagine. it has to be interesting because for some reason people believe that thirty is the age when your life needs to start, this is the age when you need to start thinking about having a family or making plans on how you want to live the rest of your life. It makes sense, especially for women, they have to think fast if they want kids or not by this age because time is not on their side, and that is a sad reality but a reality nonetheless.
Have a nice day from yours dearly, Sam.
Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]