Art : Welcome.

By Sakuan.

Names Joe and I have been thinking about something I saw yesterday, mind you these are just thoughts, please don’t find any offense to them, judge my action and not the random things that swim in my head that I decide to write about. Thoughts are just thoughts until you act on them then they become you.

I was thinking about this yesterday and I did some looking around and what I found within the first minute of looking enlightened me, it showed me another way to look at love. I’ve always thought of myself as someone who has so much love for myself and for other people, but yesterday I saw something that changed how I looked at it, it made me more aware of the things I might be doing that were not good. The sad part about that is that I did not know that I was doing it in the first place, how do you change something that you don’t know is a problem in the first place, that is the question.

The question I had to ask myself was, do I love eating fish, the answer was yes, but then the question to that was, if you love it then why would you get it out of its natural habitat, kill it, scale it, cook it and then eat it, this doesn’t seem like an act of love. You say you love fish doesn’t mean that you don’t love the fish, you love yourself, you love how the fish makes you feel, you love how it helps you with nutrients, you love its taste, it is all about you, not the fish.

Then it hit me, this is how most love is today, thinking we love each other when in reality we love ourselves, we are in it for what the other person can do for us. Most of us don’t realize this, could this be the reason why divorce rates are so high, could this be the reason why most of our children today are saying no to love, they find it hard to trust? To be fair being in it for what the other person can do for you isn’t a bad thing as long as the feeling is mutual and you are helping them in some way too. That is what a relationship is, everybody involved needs to bring something to the table for it to work.

Have a nice day.


Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

