By Sakuan.
1: Name, please?
2: Sheffield Pint.
1: Mr. Pint do you believe in luck?
2: …
2: Just like almost every other thing in this day and age luck is subjective.
1: Please explain sir.
2: Don’t call me sir, I don’t deserve the title, Pint will do just fine, please call me Pint.
1: But sir…
2: I insist.
1: Okay Pint do you believe in luck?
2: Believe? No, I wouldn’t use that word next to luck or even close to it, for me when someone spouts the word believe all I can think about is God and all his doings. Believe to me is relying on someone for something when you’re unsure. When there’s something hard going on in your life you believe in yourself to get over it or go through the hardship with ease. You believe in God and hope that everything will be okay when all is worse than it should be. I don’t believe in luck but I think it’s there and it’s subjective it just depends on who you ask and what they’re going through. Mr…
1: Bonds, name’s Silk Bonds.
2: Mr. Bonds please tell me do you consider this moment we are in right now to be of luck, you interviewing one of the most successful people to grace this earth?
1: Of course, Sir… sorry, Pint.
2: Well to me I don’t consider this to be luck because this interview does nothing for me financially, spiritually or even legally, I’m not obligated to be here. As rude as this might sound, this is only but a charity for you, this moment right now is your lucky day, other journalists would consider you lucky for getting this gig, this isn’t luck for me, now I hope you get my point of how luck is subjective.
1: How do you feel about the people who say that it’s NOT by luck that you are successful?
2: It’s not their fault they think that way, they have the need to grasp on something, a belief that anyone could make it, and I understand that. But that doesn’t negate the fact that I was lucky in the first place to even get the chance to partake in what made me successful, not a lot of people have that luxury. If you’re a successful pianist, you’re lucky in a sense for there are armless people out there who can’t even have the chance to be a pianist. Or maybe they were on their way to becoming a pianist and they were good at it but an accident took away an arm or two, they’ll probably consider the successful pianist who has both hands lucky. Again, there comes the word again, subjective. I don’t know if I’m clear enough, but I hope you get what I mean.
1: I think I do… What would you say to those people who say it’s not by luck that they have the status they swim in?
2: I envy those people at times because it’s hard for me to have that mindset, and sometimes I have to admit, sometimes that’s my downfall. Sometimes I end up telling myself I’m nothing and if it wasn’t for luck then I wouldn’t be here. A positive affirmation to myself fixes these thoughts most of the time, but sometimes I have to talk to somebody or write about it, that helps. How do I feel about them? I envy them at times but I hope they understand they’re not that special, they’re lucky. I know a lot of people who work harder than they could ever do and they are not successful probably because they’re not in the right place or not at the right time.
I Finished reading [World war Z by Max Brooks] on January 26, 2022. -(Took me 19 days - Life happened, this was my eighth book)
I started reading [Area 51 The Grail by Robert Doherty] on January 27, 2022.