Chasing other people’s Dreams.


Here we are, today’s topic is chasing other people’s dreams, I don’t know why I said it again when you can clearly read the title of this blog post, the reason I’m explaining myself, still to be known ha. Dreams dreams dreams, something that a lot of us have and a lot of us are trying to have for lack of better words. This week as I was working on my art and stuff, I just thought about this thing called dreams, the reason I love art, the reason I make art, the reason I decided to make art every day. Why would a homo sapien even do this, why would someone wake up every morning and just decide to make art every day, well it’s a dream I’m chasing, satisfied? No? well what I’m about to say next might even dissatisfy you, even more, I’m chasing a dream and I’m in a race that’ll never end, for the rest of my life I decided to enter a race that has no guarantees, a race that isn’t fair play, a race that doesn’t care about you but you have to care about it because if you don’t then why do you even exist, a race that’ll sharpen you and break you sometimes, an infinite race. Without a goal, human beings have no meaning, and without meaning, life seems useless and when life seems useless you feel like you don’t want to live in it anymore because all you’ll see are the negative things that life throws at you and sometimes that can be hard.

Chasing other people’s dreams, when you’re young and your parents take you to piano classes and you become the greatest piano player in the world. Don’t get me wrong, you love playing the piano, it’s your passion, you’re happy with it and you worked so hard to be who you are, BUT the question is, was that really your dream or were you chasing your parents’ dream of you becoming a great pianist. I think about stuff like this all the time. Were your parents unfair to you because they didn’t allow you (unintentionally of course) to pick something for yourself? When giving other people examples of what chasing dreams and achieving them look like, is it fair to use you as an example?

When you were young and the teacher asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you take a moment and remember seeing an occupation an adult was doing and thought that was the coolest thing in the world, and then  you said “I wanna be a pilot when I grow up.” 20 years later you’re a successful pilot. What if you never saw that movie, where would your life be right now?

Have you ever wondered this: that job you hate but can’t leave because of financial reasons or can’t leave because you’re scared, have you ever thought that’s someone else’s dream job, and that someone is somewhere out there trying so hard to get that same job you hate and wanna leave but can’t, it’s sad to think about but I guess that’s life. The dream job you want right now, the one you’re trying to get but find it so hard to get, there’s someone who has the position you want and they hate it but can’t afford to quit, in your eyes is that fair or unfair, should that person just quit and potentially leave the position for you, or should they keep on chasing your dreams.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”



This thing called LIFE.