By Sakuan.

Hi, this is Penn and this is how I feel about you, we have been together for so long and I think it is time to explain what I think I feel. I am no wordsmith but I will try my best to give you my feelings in words, I hope you like it or appreciate it, I think they say it is the thought that counts.

Words can’t describe what I feel for you right now. I don’t want to be here if you are not here with me, what is the point of it all if I can’t share this life with you, I think they call it love, but even that word is an understatement because what I feel for you is more than that. I can share my life’s secrets with you because I trust you, I wish I was a wordsmith so I could explain what you make me feel like, you help me make who I am today and I appreciate you for that, I love that you know who I am at my core and are always there to help me when I need you. You fixed my broken heart with your tender touches and sensitive ears and I will forever be grateful for that, you don’t know how much I needed that in my life. Before you, there was just me but with you, I feel like there is more to life than the daily quirks man chases over. I hope this feeling never goes away, you are the reason I strive to do better for myself, without you this beautiful version of me that exists today wouldn’t be there, how did a person like me land a person like you, to this day I still think I am the luckiest person in the world. My heart was in pieces in the middle of a desert and there you were ready to mend it, you did everything right, you pushed the right buttons, and you made me fall in love again after I swore to the world that I would never let myself feel that for anyone else after I was betrayed once, it has been twenty years and I still feel the same way I felt when we first me, this is not supposed to be possible but it is, so instead of questioning it I accept it for what it is and enjoy every single moment of this wonder we call LOVE.

There you go, MY LOVE.

Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


