The Day.
Art : Worry Much?
By Sakuan.
It has come time for me to become him, I said I would never be the person he is but here we are, I still don’t understand what happened, I still don’t get the big deal, and I still can’t comprehend why we ended up this way, is this us or is this the people we wished to be all along, I write until my fingers bleed, I say these things not to hurt your feelings but I say this in the hopes that you will be better, be better, I care about you and you don’t care about yourself. I know I am just a voice in your head, that should mean something, that should mean something good, that should be important somehow, I don’t know how but I think it should and you are here to support me in everything that I do, I know that and I respect that. Are you listening to me, someone will hear us one day and they will help, they will see something in us, they will see some importance in our existence and they will help us, I believe that wholeheartedly, ye of little faith, what is your problem? You are so naive when it comes to things like this, I know there have been people who have been helped in the past, how naive can you be to believe that we might be one of those people, do you know how hard it is to become someone, do you know how many people died too early, do you know how many good ideas reside at a graveyard? Do you know how many ideas are forgotten because people give up? Do you know how many people say they care but deep inside they don’t? Do you know who you really are? You might be right but what is the hurt in hoping, a little hope can take you places, you once believed in that, what happened to you? Oh well, life happened…
By Nu Nazareth…