Art : Corrupted mind.

By Sakuan.

Our children are the ones who suffer in situations like this, I have seen people lead their kids astray, I have seen people help their children become better people and I have also seen people think they are helping but do more damage than good to their children. We should respect each other’s cultures, we should respect each other’s beliefs, and we should always be there to help those who need our help, I know it is not easy but that is all we can do. I have this empathy when it comes to children because they are pure, they are yet to be corrupted by life itself, and they don’t know any better, so they follow what they are taught or what they see people around them do. That is one of the reasons I feel bad and sorry for children who have parents who smoke or drink in front of them, children see this, and one day they might try to emulate their heroes, when they see the person they trust do this they probably grow up knowing there is nothing wrong with that, I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where nobody smoked or drunk, my parents are not involved with any types of drugs and I am thankful to them for that. For starters that is an expensive hobby, I don’t see the point of doing it, I don’t get the excitement people have when they partake in such activities, I can live my life without it, I have managed to do that thus far so what would be the point of starting. Some people might say I am missing out, I would tell those people they are missing out on living a life where you don’t have to depend on anything to function, they are missing out on a life where any type of drugs isn’t an option. I never understood why anyone would willingly decide to sacrifice control of their body without needing to…

Currently reading [Women by Charles Bukowski]


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

A Small Query.
