Would I be?
Art : Roaches.
By Sakuan.
Would I be?
Would I be art-wise happy if I’m proud of the art I make daily?
Would I be financially happy if I get paid for my art?
Would I be career-wise happy if I get recognition for my art?
Would I be relationship happy if I find a girl that truly loves me?
Would I be friendship happy if I find friends that can help me and vice versa?
Would I be happy if I finally get to buy my parents a beautiful house?
Would I be happy if I get everything I ask for in life?
Would I be happy if I accomplish some of the things I’m trying to get?
Would I be happy if my future significant other says she loves me more than air?
Would I be happy if I satisfy my future significant other sexually?
Would I be happy if my future significant other satisfied me sexually?
Would I be happy if I help my extended family members financially?
Would I be happy if people tell me they found me inspiring?
Would I be happy if I finally get the job of my dreams?
Would I be happy if I could draw everything that I visualized?
Would I be happy if I never used reference ever again to make my art?
Would I be happy if my child ends up like me?
Would I be happy if my family truly understood what I’m trying to accomplish?
Would I be happy if my hard work is worth it in the end?
Would I be happy if I realized my life was worth it on my death bed?
Would I be happy if I get to hit a century on this globe?
Would I be happy if I get a lot of followers on social media?
Would I be happy if I did what society expects me to do?
Would I be happy if I didn’t take the risk I took after I graduated from university?
Would I be happy if I had a girlfriend earlier in my life?
Would I be happy if I found a career in athletics?
Would I be happy if I never came to America?
Would I be happy if I fit in?
Would I be happy if every girl was after me?
Would I be happy if I knew how to play chess?
Would I be happy if I knew how to play the piano?
Would I be happy if God talked back to me when I talked to him?
Would I be happy if I didn’t get random thoughts out of the blue?
Would I be sad if, in the end, I’m not successful?
Would I be sad if my parents don’t ever get to feel what it’s like to be financially free?
Would I be sad if I ever find video games boring?
Would I be sad if I ever burn out of drawing?
Would I be sad if I ever burn out of writing?
Would I be sad if I never get to experience financial freedom?
Would I be sad if my future significant other cheats on me? will I take her back?
Would I be sad if white rice seized to exist?
Would I be sad if my future child ended up being like me?
Would I be sad if my future child ends up being a drug addict?
Would I be sad if one day for some reason, I end up trying weed, cigarettes, or alcohol?
Would I be sad if I end up being alone and lonely forever?
Would I be sad if I woke up one day and I didn’t LOVE music?
Would I be sad if I lost my drawing arm?
Would I be sad if I ever lost my eyesight?
Would I be sad if my future significant other ever wanted an abortion?
Would I be sad if my future daughter ever gets heartbroken?
Would I be sad if I ever get to bury any of my future children?
Would I be sad if I ever find out I can’t have children?
Would I be sad if my future significant other can’t have children?
Would I be sad if my future significant other happened to be a gold digger?
Would I be sad if I ever lost my taste buds?
Would I be sad If I lost my hearing?
Would I be sad if I ever found out God was real?
Would I be sad if I ever found out God isn’t real?
Would I be sad if everything I think is right, turns out to be wrong?
Would I be sad if someone disrespects my future significant other in Infront of me?
Would I be sad if I never found out about my favorite musician?
Would I be sad if I never got to listen to the greatest song ever made?
Would I be sad if I had never found out about computers?
Would I be sad if I had a girlfriend and I had to leave her when I came to America?
Would I be sad if I never took the long break I did after graduating from university?
Would I be sad if my future child ended up hating me for unknown reasons?
Would I be sad if I ever got terminally ill?
Would I be?