Talent vs. Skill.
What really is talent, and what’s the difference between talent and skill. I feel like a lot of people are skilled, but then throw the word talent around a lot leading it to lose its true meaning. I have several examples in mind (btw these are my thoughts put on paper, not what you should live by, but you can read them and decide for yourself what you wanna do with your life). For example, I don’t think a Lebron James or a Michael Jordan is talented, I think they’re skilled in what they do. A talent is defined as a natural aptitude, and skill is something you learn and get good at by lots and lots of practice. So there are two main reasons that throw away the thought of talent for me, and these are: How can you be talented in something that needs practice and two: how can you be talented in something that doesn’t exist. What do I mean by “Doesn’t Exist” Hmmm, how can you be talented in something that’s man-made, what do I mean by that you might ask, what if James Naismith never invented basketball back in 1891. What would that mean for a Lebron James? Therefore, I think skilled is a better word. This might not be a big deal for you, for me it is, I think about all the people who don’t try things and when asked their response is always “I would never be able to do that even if I tried” I don’t really think people should live by this mentality because human beings are capable to do a lot, so when someone looks at my art and says “OMG you’re so talented, I can’t draw a stick figure even if I tried” it’s like, this homo sapien went past all the years I put in practising to perfect my art (and still practising by the way) and jumped to a conclusion that leads him/her to that particular point. You just haven’t tried. I mean the human brain has the ability to take us to the moon, what do you mean the same human brain doesn’t have the capacity to put in a few minutes a day to learn to do what “you couldn’t do even if you tried.”