Random thoughts…
‘Tis thine again, and today I want to talk about kids. Do I want kids in the future? Yes, I want kids, do I need a reason to want or have kids? I don’t think so. I’m always curious about couples who can have children but say they don’t want them; I always want to ask them why? Do they think they’re going to live with their significant other forever? I think that’s being naïve, no? Some people’s reason for not having children is due to lack of perspective, they only see life through their own eyes, as they should, some witness bad events go on in the world and say they wouldn’t want to bring a child in this cruel world. Why not bring a child into this world and teach them better so they can change this “cruel world”? People who say they don’t want kids and solely focus on their careers, don’t they realize they’re going to be bored and lonely when they’re in their 40’s and above, maybe that’s just a me thought. These are the things it I think about, what are you going to do on a Christmas when you’re 70 years old, do you think you’re going to be with friends? What if your friends have kids and families who they want to celebrate it with, do you want to be that one person who’s always hanging around people because you’re alone, but they can’t tell you you’re a burden because they want to be nice. What kind of life is that, I always wonder, maybe I just don’t get it, I wish I knew someone with such thoughts to help me understand their reasons?
Does hard work pay? Of course, it does, but does it always pay. At this point in my life and everything I’ve seen other people go through, it seems that hard work doesn’t always pay, nothing in life is always that certain. In short you don’t get what you don’t aim for, and with the same breath you don’t always get what you aim for. This is how the world works, the only thing that matters is, did you do something that truly matters to you or others? The other thing is, success is subjective, it all depends on one’s taste. Someone living check to check may consider themselves unsuccessful but someone with no job or any sort of income may consider the person living check to check successful, let that sink in. As human beings we strive to achieve more and the unthinkable, for that to happen we need to take responsibility of the unthinkable, what does that mean? Well, we need to take more responsibility in our lives and not take the easy way out. This is a lesson we should teach our children, because I truly believe taking responsibility is one of the main lessons we should learn from an early age, and being responsible helps brew other important virtues such as, accountability, honesty, assertiveness, courage, self-esteem, keeping your ego in check, and this is just but to mention a few. Hard work is you taking responsibility of your life.
Expectation! Why doesn’t everything turn out as we imagined it to be? here comes the concept of expectations vs reality. I’m sure you’ve heard or read about this more that you’d want to, because as human beings we all wish to have the “lived happily ever after” kind of ending. That, in most cases is nothing but a fairy tale because life is suffering, and I know this isn’t how you should look at life but, but… me saying life is suffering isn’t to help you live in misery but to acknowledge that suffering is a big part of life. What are you going to do with this knowledge? What helps me is stoicism, not all the time but most of the time it tends to work. You worrying about what you can’t control isn’t going to help at all, trust me on this, you can’t control the universe, all you can do is live in it, you can’t control how another person acts towards you, but you can work on yourself and practice benevolence and hope they reciprocate. When you expect people to treat you the way you treat them, the life ahead of you wouldn’t be so great, you’ll find yourself losing faith in humanity and that’s not a healthy way to live. Be nice to people and HOPE they’re nice to you, I used the word HOPE and not EXPECT.