Story is king.


Story is king. I just wanted to emphasize on this idea because I don’t think a lot of artists understand how important telling a story is. There are a lot of examples that prove this, but people still don’t put it together. I’ll now give several examples, the first one being the most obvious one; a date, say you’re on a date, what is the first thing people ask you, that is, after the Hello and all that. When you sit down at lunch, dinner, or maybe even breakfast, hey don’t judge, I think some people actually have breakfast dates. Now back to the matter at hand, so the first thing people ask is where you’re from or have you ever been in a relationship, do you have a pet, what are your political/religious beliefs, what’s your family like, what music are you into, have you ever watched that one tv show or movie? And so on and so forth, with this example, you can tell they’re basically asking you, hey, you there, “WHAT’S YOUR STORY?” Now you see it right? …NO? okay I’ll give you another scenario. Let’s say you are applying to get into a college or trying to get a job, the first thing they ask you is; hey you there, yeah you, what are your qualifications, and you pull out your portfolio or a degree. This is basically telling them your story which is, I’m good at what I do, and you can trust me with your business. If you’re trying to get into a school, you’re basically telling them; I worked hard and I’m not going to waste your time here, and that’s your story. That is why I truly believe story is king. A lot of artists go to art school to learn the technical stuff, like how to render images, how to draw well, how to paint well, how to make good compositions, which is valid and I think a lot of artists should do this, the fundamentals are important, but don’t stop there, learn the fundamentals and use it to tell your story/stories. I believe in the near future there’s going to be some sort of technology that’s going to be able to do all the technical stuff for us. There’s going to be a software that will be able to draw and render a character for both 3d and 2d animation, all you’d have to do is tell it a few words like, hey Alexa draw me a young, naive, ambitious, highly fashioned, pirate, and the ai is going to take this and come up with 300 different images, 100 linework art, 100 stylized cartoon art, and 100 fully 3D rendered characters, when this happens a lot of artists are going to be out of jobs, just like when the Englishmen started building machines. When it comes to stories it’s a whole different situation because only you can tell a story that’s unique to you. Story is king because we still remember Shakespeare’s work right? we don’t know what Romeo and Juliet looked like in Shakespeare’s head, but we all know about his story, look at the biggest movie in the history of mankind, it’s something from a comic book which was made years ago before technology was able to make a movie like The Avengers. Stories shape the universe, look at the holy books, two examples being the Bible and Quran, these holy books are responsible for how over 80% of human beings live their lives today, only 16% of the world’s population is estimated to NOT be religious. Story lasts forever.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”



Inspiration, Critiques and Story.