
Art: The Bathroom.

By Sakuan.

Sometimes I wonder what my future significant other is doing right at this moment, does she hope her future husband is working as hard as I am right now for our kid and her? Does she even exist, will I ever get married, I mean, I hope I do, but like everything else, I can’t really think too much about that until the time comes. What does that even mean Sam?

Don’t judge me though, relationships are hard, the interesting thing is, these days people who have been together for three years consider that a long relationship. These days I think it’s hard to stick with someone, especially with all the options out there. Sometimes I don’t understand when people say they’re addicted to social media, or when I see people express how bad they feel for their lack of achievements when they see a successful person on social media. I don’t get the satisfaction of scrolling down and seeing random content. On tik tok for example, I think I don’t get it because you don’t choose what you see, so how do you enjoy that, that’s what I don’t get, people constantly filling their heads up with random things, and concepts. I’m not bashing social media in any way, I guess I don’t get it because I’m not the type to scroll for hours looking at what other people have produced, maybe I’m missing out on something or maybe I’m onto something.

Back to the topic at hand, LOVE. Have I ever been in love? to be honest with you I don’t know, I don’t use the word LOVE in my day-to-day vocabulary as other people do, to be honest with you nobody and I mean nobody, not a friend, not a family member, not even a girl I was talking to has ever told me they loved me and that’s my life for you, by the way, don’t be alarmed in the culture I was born and raised in we don’t use that word that often, but we know we’re loved, so don’t feel bad form me or for us (our culture). To some extent, I like that because that means I don’t throw the word around to people after only knowing them for a short period of time. It feels like people throw that word around so much that it has lost its touch, the fact that you can love somebody without ever meeting them is crazy when you think about it. Now you can love someone through a photo, is that LOVE, some people will argue that it is, and some will argue that it isn’t, nobody is right, and nobody is wrong, but all we can agree on is that falling in love to a photograph is crazy. How do we adapt to this as a society? I’m curious about what kids today are going to be like in their sixties. The kids who grew up with social media: Instagram, Twitter, tik tok, tinder, and many more. Look at me go, thinking about this from a well-developed country’s perspective, forgetting where I’m from. Of course, back in the country where I was born, a consideration like this can’t happen because we are far away from something like a tinder to have such a huge impact on our society.

You guessed it I can’t talk about my experience with LOVE for that long, because I think that’s the most complicated feeling in the world, I need to think more about it and how it affected me…


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”

Some things just happen.

