How important is money.
Art : Float.
By Sakuan.
How important is money? Very important I think, it’s the new age currency and currency is one of the most important things in a society, it keeps the society together, of course just like anything else it can break a society. How important is it then? Money can bring out something you never thought was in you. It can bring out a beast, a monster, it can bring out someone you never thought you’d ever meet, someone that only existed in your worst nightmares. There’s this feeling you get when you hold a stack of dollar bills in your hands, there’s a rush that runs down your spine, the feeling is unexplainable. When you see people do it when you see people holding a stack of money online, you might think to yourself, “of course we know he or she is rich so why would they hold a stack of money like that in a picture?” Well, there’s something about it…
Should we chase money? Our social construct leads us to believe that we should. Sometimes It’s frustrating to see people do things they don’t love solely for money, sometimes you want to tell them to stop doing such things and do what they love. Then you realize that’s all they know, in reality, you can’t change something that’s been taught to you for twenty years in a five-minute talk, or with a sentence from a stranger that says, “Do what you love.” I hope that made sense…
It’s the whole reason why most of us go to school.
It puts food on the table.
It clothes you.
It gives you shelter.
It supports your hobbies.
We use it to feed the poor.
We use it to buy our day-to-day necessities.
Nations go to war for it.
Families break up because of it.
families struggle because of it.
People kill for it.
People steal for it.
People cheat for it.
People suffer for it.
People lie for it.
People change for it.
People argue for it.
People die for it.
People sacrifice a lot for it.
People obsess over it.
People love it.
People hate it.
People show off with it.
People sacrifice having families for it.
People isolate themselves for it.
People run away from it.
People say it’s the root of all evil.
People abandon for it.
People learn new things for it.
I sacrifice a lot for it.
I love it.
I hate it.