
Art : Delilah.

By Sakuan.

Just the glimpse of her makes me wonder, how can a being be so perfect. Maybe I am blinded by this thing they call love, is this love or lust? Sometimes I can’t tell, but then every time I am not around her all I can think of is her and the next time her presence would bless my being. I go out of my way to feel, before her I never cared about feelings, before her my life was nothing but a checkmark on a to-do list, with her, life is no longer a checkmark but an experience worth enjoying. If I got it right and this feeling is what they call love, then I finally see what the fuss is all about.

I might be blinded by it but now I see why people die for this, I see why people lie for this, I see why people kill for this, I see why people chase this, I see why people stay alive for this, I can truly say it is an experience worth having. Those that die young are robbed of this feeling, those that look but never find it drown is sorrow, I feel for you. You won’t get to look into their eyes and admire how beautiful and pure their soul is, you won’t get to hold them tight and sink in their warmth, you won’t get to share a bed and wake up every morning next to the prettiest being you’ve ever laid your eyes on. I can’t tell you what love is, I can’t explain the feeling to you, but if you are lucky enough to find it then it will all make sense why Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal, a wonder of the world.


Everything has a beginning and an ending, and this feeling is no exception. I will be damned if I don’t enjoy every minute of it, I never take it for granted for I know it might fade away at any time. I will die for you, I will kill for you, I will sacrifice for you, I will go to hell and back for you. I might be blinded by it, but for what it is worth, I will never give this feeling up for anything… Huh, love they said… ‘tis worth it.

By Nu Nazareth.


“My art, my world. Making art is the only way I can clearly communicate what goes on in my head.

I hope my art brings perspective, joy, and/or happiness to any viewer/reader out there”


Step up or get stepped on.


A Path.